I've been watching a lot of Seinfeld lately because it's on non-stop on one of our 5 channels. Some thoughts:
Jerry Seinfeld is a really terrible actor. I've heard him say the same of himself, so I don't feel too bad about saying it. But really, he can't make it through a line (even a non-punchline line) without smirking. Drives me bananas.
Watching Seinfeld now is like watching a watered-down, worse version of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Every time Kramer comes on the screen, I'm having a hard time not thinking of Michael Richards calling his audience the word that means "friend" to black people and "I'm a totally culturally insensitive idiot racist" to white people. Oh, how the fowl stench of racism lingers.
Speaking of Kramer, 90s sitcoms seemed to love the kooky, intrusive neighbor subplot. Kramer, Kimmy Gibbler, Wilson, etc. Wilson's probably a rapist, Kramer's racist, but I have the biggest bone to pick with Kimmy Gibbler. She's one of the reasons I don't go by my Christan name, Andrea. I mean, look at her. She was the only one repping our name until they decided to name a character after us. Great, I thought, naively. An Andrea on a swell new show about good looking rich kids, Beverly Hills 90210! And guess who gets to be Andrea? You guessed it. This nerdbag down here.
You forgot Dennis the Menace. He must be the worst neighbor of all time. Always disrupting naps, etc.