Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wingardium Levi-Florida!

All hilarious, well-constructed word mash-ups aside, I now have another reason to travel to the Sunshine State (the first reason being a visit to the historic St. Augustine-the oldest port in the continental United States!)  

Universal just released some new information on the Harry Potter-themed theme park of themes. Apparently it is set to open in Spring of 2010, and I could not be more thrilled (unless of course I found out magic was real and my acceptance letter to Hogwarts just got lost in the mail).  

Now, I understand that it may seem disturbing/desperate/pathetic for a grown man (I am 22 after all) to shiver with excitement at the opportunity to drink butterbeer.  That being said, I don't have a lot going on right now, so this gives me something to look forward to.  Still pathetic? Yes, indeed.  Watch the video map/conceptual drawings and try not to pee inside of your pants:

(Thanks to A.J. and Tom for opening up their blog-hearts to are truly Avada Kamazing)


  1. I really am so excited. Do you think this is going to be late for the Potter-monium? I mean, aren't people moved on to Twilight?

    I feel like I could have done better than "Potter-monium."

  2. See that is the great thing! You don't have to do better than "Potter-monium," it's mediocrity is endearing.

  3. Aw, thanks, Riggs. You're Hedwiglicious. And I know I can't do better than that.
